Happy Birthday Louie
Louie is 1 year old today He may have been born in New Zealand but he is a real Fiji Dog now!
Happy Easter
We hope you are safe and well and able to enjoy a Happy Easter We may be far apart but you are close in our thoughts and we can all appreciate the sunrises no matter where we are.
April 7 2020
All this extra time on our hands means Louie gets a lot more attention.
April 4, 2020
Yesterday was Day 15 of our self imposed isolation.... Thank goodness I grabbed those hair clippers!
April 2, 2020
So so isolated On our own little island - Wadigi
There is still sunshine
Wadigi Staff taking care of each other Lai, Tia, Vika and Kini
Wadigi Caretakers
You are in our thoughts during this terrible time. We look forward to being able to welcome back all our friends and soon to be friends, to the island for a well earned break when it is safe to travel once again. Vinaka and stay well!
5 star Wadigi
Want your own private island? Exclusively yours - WADIGI - Fiji
Bespoke holiday in Fiji?
Want a bespoke holiday in Fiji? WADIGI ISLAND